"I love stuff that works." That's how Alex Webley's blog about business and personal life starts out in a recent post about PerfectDisk. Alex describes himself as a corporate and business coach, life coach and counselor. His "approach to business, as in life, is to seek out and implement best practice" in areas in which he loves, enjoys and excels in. His overriding philosophy? "Life is too short and valuable to do otherwise" and he wants to "help as many people as possible" before he leaves this world.
His is not a technology blog. But in the case of PerfectDisk, Alex has found a tool to help him in all his other pursuits, and feels it will help others in theirs. Alex writes that "because I use computers so much I need top quality applications that enable me to stay productive. Getting bogged down with computer maintenance or technical issues is not good. Running a computer defrag (defragmentation) regularly is a smart thing to do."
He writes that he has tried a number of computer disk defragmentation programs, including Windows own built-in method, over the years. But he's "found one program which met my exacting standards. That program is PerfectDisk which I have been using now since 2004. My research indicated that Perfect Disk is the best Defragger and use has proved it."
He goes on to state that he has spent "enough time on research to ensure that what I obtained was the best for our needs. PerfectDisk was the clear winner by a long way. We especially like the way the software does a high quality defrag while we are working - we therefore suffer no loss of productivity or valuable billable time. The time spent researching to get things right from the start paid off."
He ends his post telling his users to "benefit from the time and effort I spent in getting making the right choice."
On a global scale, we've all seen what the wrong choices can lead to around the world.
Now more than ever, making the right choice is critical. Stuff that works.