The consumer rules. There's nothing shocking in that statement. It's become so common and understood that the concept has moved from marketing books to mainstream media, where it's widely accepted and recognized that the old methods of corporations dictating what consumers want and receive is long gone. Part of that evidence is in the popularity of social networks like MySpace, Facebook and others. People want to express themselves more than ever it seems -- see YouTube.
Given this backdrop, it's somewhat amusing for us to see a company try to pound away with messaging that says, in essence. "this is the way it is, and you will like it!" I'm talking about defragmentation, of course. The message is that the way you might want to defragment is wrong, that you need to do it "our" way. Well, the only "our way" there is now is your way. Which is why PerfectDisk provides more scheduling options than any other tool available. Automatic background processing, automatic scheduling - whatever suits your needs. Because that's what consumers (whether home, small business or large enterprise) want. It's 2008 - not 1998 - the consumer decides!
Take Wei Keong, an IT professional in Singapore. He tried the always-on-no-other-choice defragmenter and told us "I dislike it. Firstly, for notebook users, this means burning out your batteries because it's always defragging. Secondly, on my RAID array, it means there is never a moment of silence. Thirdly, it seems to interfere with hibernation/sleep, since the HDD is always defragging, which means it doesn't go into hibernation. Of course, you can configure it to not defrag while on batteries, but users will just be lost."
The issues are different for desktops and productions servers, but what is demanded by users is the same - flexibility. There are many businesses which will absolutely not allow an application to be always running, especially on production servers. For them, there is no choice but to schedule. And because of PerfectDisk's single-pass and free space consolidation strategies, that's just fine. The concept of drives and files being too big and activity being too high to be handled by scheduling makes for decent spin to the unknowing, but the smart money knows if you have a defragmented large drive with consolidated free space, you don't need to be defragmenting all the time.
The Hollywood PR machine may be working overtime, but it's a new world, and the old tricks aren't working like they used to. We see the results every day as people come knocking on the Raxco door more than ever. It's not the world of your father's defragmenter. This new world wants choices, wants its voice heard, and doesn't want crafty words of spin. That's why from Singapore to Sydney, from Berlin to Boston, from Tokyo to Toronto, the shift is on....and growing.
It's your world, not ours.
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