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« World of Warcraft -- Beef up your game | Main | Windows Vista/XP x64 Fix »

February 05, 2007



Thanks everyone for your comments. We've fixed some things and want to make sure we've caught everything, or as close as possible, before releasing an update. It's coming soon.

Thanks for your patience.



Windows XP Home Edition also has the same display issue!! Just thought id let the guys at perfectdisk know!


Hi Athan,

Thanks for your comment. Yes, we are close to a fix for this. I realize it is extremely annoying, and I apologize for the inconvenience.

Thanks for your patience.


Athan P.

Latest PD build (50) has an annoying display issue when run on Vista.
Its main window, cannot be resized. Dragging from a window corner, increases window size but then it's impossible to reduce it.

I hope you fix it soon. Currently I have to use PD maximized, on a 2400x1600 screen :)


thx ...

for hiding downgrade trial version from 120 to 30 days using a "critical" (.T./.F. ?) annouce ...

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